I am at home more than anywhere else. It has been that way since I started working as a freelance designer and illustrator seven years ago, but even more so after becoming a mom. I love my home base —see that part about living a block from the ocean. Seriously, it is my favorite place I have ever lived and I have moved almost every year or two for the last twelve years (ugh, even typing that made me tired).
Still when you are anyplace so often, routine and habit soon replace awareness.
Since I am never more present then when I am drawing, I started this series where I will periodically pick a set of objects from my fantastic 900-square foot flat that contributes to my loving of it. Even when I am not paying that much attention to actually being in it. We also like to name our plants. Do you name yours? Okay. Here it goes...
The Triplets
Snake Plant (only one shown)
Our friend Kirsten gave us three spider plants, all floating in water from a larger mama plant she had in her home. We were surprised these little guys were happy to live in just a little jar of water, so we put ours in empty spice bottles and mason jars. Any given plant is a better plant.
I love the free-floating root system, it was super fun to draw.
"Sea" Succulent
I'm a sucker for any plant that looks like the it belongs on the ocean floor. Ladyfingers also has the advantage of being cradled by the lovely macramé netting Julie built for her based on the design she saw on JenLovesKev.
Air plant (Tillandsia Kolbii)
P.J. was born right here in our home. His mama is a larger air plant that he sprouted from which we had purchased at the Pacifica Fog Fest last fall.
Luke named him after what Little John calls Prince John in Disney's Robin Hood cartoon.
The Billy Balls
Dried Flowers
Technically not a plant, Billy Balls are uniquely-shaped flowers. These six are actually dried and rest in an empty container. We totally love Billy Balls and they occupy multiple jars around our apartment.
Air Plant (Tillandsia Xerographica)
The curling twisting leaves were an intense project to draw. I did get into a nice zen state which I suppose is part of the point of this exercise. We bought this plant at the incredible San Francisco based Flora Grubb Gardens.
Courtney is named after our very dear and very green-thumbed friend that had helped both Julie and I with our plants many years back. Sadly, she is no longer with us, but the ringlet-like leaves reminds us of her hair.