Salt & Fog

The Art of Veronica Casson


Outside Lands Style + Festival Dressing Tips

StyleVeronica CassonComment
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Hey look, it’s my first “outfit post." About time, right? I mean, this blog is almost two weeks old. Originally this was the beginning of my post reviewing Outside Lands but the whole thing just got too long.  So now it's here!



My 6 Must-Have Music Festival Pieces:


There’s always more walking than you think. I am often tempted to do something fancier like a wedge, but I am getting tired of sore feet. Is there a better all-around option than cons for versatility and comfort? 

I have the classics, but I am wanting these Seafoam ones too, of course. 


A sundress that is super-comfortable with shorts. I don’t want to feel restrained when dancing or sitting on the grass eating messy food cart bites.


I keep a few similar style purses in the back of my closet specifically for bike rides, shows or dancing. I need my stuff, but I need to get down with the get down so I  don’t want to be holding anything in my hand. Except a cocktail. 

4. HAT

When I sit in the sun, I want my head covered. You should too. Your older self will thank you.

I generally cannot get enough of over-sized floppy hats, but I just knew I would get tired of holding one, so Julie let me borrow one of her trucker’s hats. The kind that lets you adjust the size so I was able to hang it from my purse when not in use.   



The weather near the ocean in the Bay Area can change dramatically once the fog rolls in. You just cannot go without an extra layer. I went for a linen moto  jacket that I could fold up into my small purse. On the walk back to the bus in the late evening, I was glad to have it.  

outsideJacket temp


For all day festivals,, I always apply a few coats of a really rich lipstick. It can hold up throughout the day without needing reapplication. 


The necklace I am wearing is a vintage peso necklace similar to this one.


PS. Always bring and wear Sunblock! There is never enough shade at these things.


Any tips I am missing? What is your go to festival wear?